Apache Karaf 2.2.11:
New Issues:
Resolved Issues:
Karaf-2087 add a testcase to cover the scenario that the AdminService can always load latest instance status which changed by external process
Updated Issues:
Apache Karaf 2.3.1:
New Issues:
Resolved Issues:
Karaf-2087 add a testcase to cover the scenario that the AdminService can always load latest instance status which changed by external process
Karaf-2088 Upgrade to Jetty 7.6.8.v20121106
Updated Issues:
Apache Karaf 3.0.0:
New Issues:
Resolved Issues:
Karaf-2084 Upgrade to Jetty 8.1.8.v20121106
Karaf-2085 Upgrade to Jetty 8.1.8.v20121106
Karaf-2086 Upgrade to Spring 3.1.3.RELEASE
Karaf-2087 add a testcase to cover the scenario that the AdminService can always load latest instance status which changed by external process
Karaf-2067 instance-script terminates with NoClassDefFoundError
Updated Issues:
Un-versioned Issues:
Karaf-2062 Add a spring3.2 featureKaraf-2090 Mark module tab as active when needed