The second maintenance release of the
Apache Karaf 2.2.x branch has entered the planning phase, as such I'm preparing for the
release management role.
Preparing for the Apache Karaf 2.2.2 release. |
To prepare I've selected a bottle of
Terre Dei Volsci Velletri Rosso Riserva 2004 to decant while listening to
Wintersleep's albums
New Inheritors,
Welcome to the Night Sky, and
untitled. It's been rain, drizzle, and fog for a long time now while waiting for summer to kick in, so I think the intellectual, macabre sounds fits in well with dark days outside. Please do not worry about the dreary theme I have going here, for there is an upbeat attitude coming for the
3.0.0 release. Seriously, how many projects do you know of where the release manager talks mostly about wine & music before a release? Apache Karaf is awesome that way ;)
The wine will of course only be sampled after being gave proper time to breath in its container, after the first release candidate has be up loaded for voting (see our release guide for more details on our process).
Unfortunately I can't share the wine with you, but I can share a few links to
Wintersleep videos.
I'm looking forward to starting the 2.2.2 release process. I'll be posting updates to our Twitter stream (#karaf) and on our IRC channel ( #karaf).
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