In the below sections you'll find issues being worked upon, reported, or assigned to various future release versions of Karaf. Yes, this is just one week worth of Jira entires - the Karaf community kicks ass! :)
Apache Karaf 2.2.10:
New issues:Karaf-1879 admin management bundle has unecessary imports
Karaf-1881 Karaf jaas password authenticator is broken.
Resolved issues:
Karaf-1856 Merge bundle:diag command
Karaf-1857 Merge bundle:services command
Karaf-1850 feature:list should use alphabetical order
Updated issues:
Karaf-1853 Attached kar deploys to a different snapshot build number than the main artifact
Karaf-1701 Parsing of config for a field with cardinality > 1 is incorrectly processed and displayed on Admin Console
General 2.2.10 issue list.
Apache Karaf 2.3.0:
New issues:Karaf-1883 Upgrade to ASM 4.1
Karaf-1859 Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.1
Karaf-1862 Upgrade to Felix FileInstall 3.2.6
Karaf-1868 Upgrade aries bundles to 1.0.1 (blueprint-core, jmx-core, transaction-manager, jpa-container-context)
Karaf-1817 Upgrade to sshd 0.8.0
Karaf-1879 admin management bundle has unecessary imports
Resolved issues:
Karaf-1541 jaas:realm-manage raises a NullPointerException
Karaf-1850 feature:list should use alphabetical order
Karaf-1844 Add command aliases for migration purpose between 2.3.x and 3.x
Karaf-1857 Merge bundle:services command
Karaf-1858 itests look stuck (use 100% CPU)
Karaf-1863 Upgrade to sshd 0.8.0
Karaf-1865 Upgrade to paxlogging 1.7.0
Karaf-1864 Upgrade to jline 2.9
Karaf-1867 Upgrade to felix event admin 1.3.0
Karaf-1816 Upgrade to jline 2.9
Karaf-1882 Provide Level attribute in the LogMBean
Updated issues:
Karaf-1853 Attached kar deploys to a different snapshot build number than the main artifact
Karaf-1336 Release Apache Karaf 2.3.0
General 2.3.0 issue list.
Apache Karaf 3.0.0:
New issues:Karaf-1859 Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.1
Karaf-1862 Upgrade to Felix FileInstall 3.2.6
Karaf-1868 Upgrade aries bundles to 1.0.1 (blueprint-core, jmx-core, transaction-manager, jpa-container-context)
Karaf-1817 Upgrade to sshd 0.8.0
Karaf-1869 war deployer fails to find seemingly present jsp
Karaf-1878 Feature bundle start up order by startLvl
Resolved issues:
Karaf-1541 jaas:realm-manage raises a NullPointerException
Karaf-1738 features-generate-descriptor should support "install" attribute
Karaf-1850 feature:list should use alphabetical order
Karaf-1861 Test failure in exam regression tests : KarafWithBundleTest
Karaf-1863 Upgrade to sshd 0.8.0
Karaf-1865 Upgrade to paxlogging 1.7.0
Karaf-1864 Upgrade to jline 2.9
Karaf-1867 Upgrade to felix event admin 1.3.0
Karaf-1816 Upgrade to jline 2.9
Karaf-1872 Backward224Test should check for the karaf version
Karaf-1873 BaseKarafDefaultFrameworkTest should test for felix framework
Karaf-1877 itests fail on jenkins
Updated issues:
Karaf-1853 Attached kar deploys to a different snapshot build number than the main artifact
Karaf-1245 blueprint deployer and spring deployer should get started before features.core bundle
Karaf-608 Allow for multi-stage boot features installation
General 3.0.0 issue list.
Karaf-1851 inconsistent FeaturesNamespaces versionsKaraf-988 Upgrade to Aries Blueprint 0.4