Friday, January 7, 2011

Camel in Action

I received my personal copy of Camel in Action from Jon Anstey this week, I thought I'd share the inscription:
Bet you never thought our coffee & code
outings would result in something like
this :) Enjoy the read!

'Back in the day' Jon & I would met up and head downtown for some free wifi and code time. The venue of choice was Hava Java. I spent my time on Servicemix 3 and a little sub-project called the Servicemix Kernel, while he was working on Camel. We'd basically try to pick a Jira issue and submit a patch by the time the wifi would overload & shutdown, or his wife arrived to end the nerd games ;)

Those were good times, and I'm excited to see his (and Claus') work in print! Great job guys!

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