The below is a repost from the Mun CS Department, announcing the team programming competition taking place next week. If you're a CS student considering entering a team for the first time but are put off from competing with third and forth year student teams please
do not be discouraged! Teams composed of first and second year students have year after year placed very well, and all have enjoyed the event greatly (even if you don't place there is pizza, pop, and cookies served, as well as all the fun and excitement of the competition to take in). So drop over to the main office and register your team.
Hope to see you all there next week!
Calling all Computer Science Students! Team Programming Competition!
Here's the blog link with the CS Team games prizes for you:
Also, here's the the URL for the solutions from our previous competitions:
Team Competition
Would you like to participate in the APICS Annual Programming Team Competition? Each October, this competition is held in conjunction with the Annual APICS (Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences) Conference and is sponsored each year by a University in Atlantic Canada. This year, the Conference will be hosted by St. Francis Xavier University.
The top three teams from the Preliminary Round at SFX are then invited to the Northeast North America Regional Competition of the 2010-2011 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest sponsored by IBM.
The winning team from our Departmental Competition on September 23 will be invited to attend the Annual APICS Conference at SFX and participate in the Preliminary Round. This conference also includes a Student Paper Presentation Session. Our departmental competition will be held:
Date: Friday, September 23, 2011
Time: 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Regina Edwards in the Computer Science General Office or by email by Wednesday, September 21, 2011, with the names of your team members.